Consent Forms

Consent is the voluntary and informed expression of one’s willingness to participate in a particular event or activity. In essence, it is an agreement made by an individual after fully comprehending the nature and potential risks associated with the said event or activity. A consent form, therefore, is a legal document that documents this agreement, typically featuring the individual’s contact information and signature.

While consent forms are often associated with medical procedures, they serve a critical role in protecting both parties in various sectors, such as education, entertainment, and business. By signing a consent form, a person grants permission for their involvement, while healthcare providers and institutions are released from liability should any unforeseen harm result from the medical treatment or other activities.

Our consent forms are designed to help you obtain the necessary consent for any relevant circumstance. Additionally, the guidelines on our website will assist you in creating a high-quality, comprehensive document. To better understand the importance and application of consent forms, let’s delve further into when and how they can prove to be beneficial.

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As mentioned above, using a consent form is not limited to several purposes. For example, this document comes in handy when agreeing to organ donation, drug testing, or a criminal history check. Let’s have a look at the essential spheres where corresponding consent forms are used.


Medical treatments or interventions involving a patient’s health risk require obtaining informed consent. “Informed consent” means that a health care provider explains everything that will happen in straightforward language, including the procedure’s nature, related risks, and consequences. The doctor is obliged to disclose all of the details and answer all of the patient’s questions.

Typical situations when you need a patient’s consent are medical and biological studies or experiments, organ or blood donation, artificial termination of a pregnancy, and artificial fertilization. The most widely used medical consent forms are:

  • Medicare Consent to Release Form – allows patients to release their medical records to a third party. A separate consent form is needed for each party requesting the release of such information.
  • Informed Consent for Surgery – is signed before any surgical operations take place. Before signing this form, the patient must get full disclosure about the procedure, instruments to be used, and any risks involved.
  • Informed Consent for Clinical Trials – confirms the permission of the research subject to be involved in the clinical investigation. The form must include the trials’ purpose, duration, risks, and benefits for the subject.
  • Informed Consent for Vaccination – is written authorization to administer vaccines. The personnel must provide adequate information to allow for an informed decision about vaccination. The form should also include questions to help exclude patients who are at risk for complications.
  • Dental Informed Consent – is informed consent to receive dental treatment. The patient’s signature on this document confirms that they clearly understand the benefits and possible complications.
  • HIV Testing Informed Consent – confirms a person’s permission to and understanding of the HIV testing procedure and its implications.
  • Facial Consent Form for Skin Care – a document used to ensure that your provider has your permission to perform certain treatments on your face. This form usually includes a list of possible side effects, as well as your signature acknowledging that you have read and understood the risks involved.
  • Esthetician Consent Form – Esthetician consent forms are documents that record a patient’s agreement to receive treatment from an esthetician. The form usually outlines the procedure, risks, and potential side effects associated with the treatment.

As a general rule, a patient must sign a consent form before receiving treatments. But sometimes, it can be impossible due to unconsciousness or critical condition. These cases are considered exceptions to the rules. For example, if a patient needs immediate treatment and cannot consent, healthcare providers can treat them without a consent form to save their life. Alternatively, doctors may receive such consent from the patient’s relatives or agents.

Parental authorization

According to the law, minors cannot consent to events or activities involving certain risks without appropriate authorization. As a general rule, parents or guardians sign parental consent forms to authorize them to participate in educational activities or receive medical treatments. The most widely used consent forms for minors are:

  • Field Trip Consent Form– allows a school or other educational organizations to take children outside of the institutional grounds. A field trip can be to a local park or museum and usually has a learning purpose. This consent form serves as a liability release from any potential risk of such a trip.
  • Child Travel Consent Form– is permission for a child to travel without their parents or guardians. This form is usually signed when minors travel with the school group and adults who are not their legal guardians. Sometimes, it can be required if a child travels with only one parent.
  • Child Medical Consent Form– confirms permission for a third party to make healthcare decisions on behalf of a minor. This third party may be grandparents, teachers, babysitters, or other trusted people. This form frequently accompanies a child’s travel consent.
  • Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Activity Consent Form – is the permission of a parent or guardian for a child to participate in a trip or excursion with the Boy Scouts of America. This form is required to be signed since the BSA program can involve risks of injuries.
  • Girl Scouts Permission Slip – is a form that grants parental or guardian consent for a child to engage in all meetings and activities within the Girl Scout year. This document is necessary as it ensures parents are informed about various aspects of their child’s participation, including potential risks and requirements for certain activities.


Every company and business tends to hire competent employees without any hidden depths. More and more employers are becoming inclined to run criminal and credit checks of applicants to identify reliable ones. Such checks require the job applicant to sign the following consent forms:

  • Background Check Authorization Form – authorizes the employer to run a criminal history check of the potential employee. This check is not free of charge, so the employer has to pay for it. In some states, the employee is entitled to have a copy of the report.
  • Credit Report Authorization Form – gives written authorization to the employer to run the employee’s history of debts and repayments. Before running the credit report check, the employer must provide a Fair Credit Reporting Act Disclosure to the potential employee.
  • FBI Background Authorization (Form i-783) – provides permission to screen the employee’s criminal records on the federal level. The obtained information will serve as a reference for federal jobs, visa applications, and adoption.
  • Drug / Alcohol Testing Consent Form – is signed by the employees agreeing to be tested for alcohol or drugs. This form is used to screen prospective employees and current ones depending on the type of business.


The industry of media and entertainment is also closely related to consent forms. In this case, you consent to the usage of your image and likeness. It may seem less serious than other consent documents. However, this sphere should not be underestimated. Photographers or production companies may be sued for unauthorized image usage without the talents’ consent. The most widely used consent forms are:

  • Photo Consent Form – ensures that the talent is aware of being photographed and agrees to their images’ personal or commercial usage.
  • Video Consent Form – gives the participant’s permission to be recorded on video. This form is similar to the previous one, but the participant consents to sound recording usage apart from image and likeness.

Consent forms are also used for business purposes by companies whose services may involve the risk of injuries or side effects. Therefore, they need a participant’s or client’s consent to release themselves from responsibility. As a rule, these companies work with extreme sports or in the beauty industry.

  • Tattoo & Body Piercing Consent Form – ensures permission for the procedure from adults or parents if a minor child is involved.
  • Botox (Botulinum Toxin) Consent Form– is required to provide cosmetic treatment with Botox injections. The form ensures that a patient is informed of the alternatives and potential complications and is free of any doubts.
  • Waxing Consent Form– is used to get clients’ permission for the cosmetic procedure of waxing. Waxing may include some unpleasant symptoms like pain, ingrown hairs, or allergies, so the client must be fully aware of the consequences. 
  • Eyelash Extension Consent Form – a document used to ensure that the client understands the risks and side effects associated with eyelash extensions. The form should be read and signed by the client prior to the application of lash extensions.

Some landlords are more careful than others and request their potential tenants to permit them to run a background check. If the tenant agrees, they must sign a Tenant Background Authorization Form. The tenant’s check usually includes running credit and criminal history checks. Unlike employers, landlords may charge a fee for carrying out this check.

Sexual Consent Form is used when two adults agree to participate in sexual intercourse. This form sets out personal boundaries and outlines activities suitable and acceptable for both parties.

Technically, you can give your consent to anything. Consent can be voluntary or forced, written or verbal, active or passive. But not every consent can be considered legal. That’s why it’s necessary to understand the requirements that make a person’s consent and corresponding consent form legally acceptable.


The first requirement is the validity of consent. To give valid consent, the consenter must realize the nature and purposes of further actions. An adequate realization can be influenced by alcohol or drug intoxication, a certain state of mind, and age. Thus, to give valid consent, a person should be of sound mind and legal age and free of alcohol or drug influence.

The legal age of consent varies from state to state. In the majority of states, it’s 18. However, Alabama and Nebraska require to be of the age of 19 to give consent. As to sexual consent, the legal age is lower. The most common age of sexual consent in the US is 16 years. In eleven states, including California, New York, Florida, Oregon, Utah, Iowa, Arkansas, Tennessee, West Virginia, Vermont, and Delaware, the age of sexual consent is 18.

Voluntary nature

The next essential requirement for legal consent is its voluntary nature. Consent must not be received under coercion or duress. It means that if someone is committing or threatening to commit any violence to the person to obtain their consent, the consent will not be valid. Additionally, you cannot consider consent to be valid if it’s obtained by fraud or deception. If someone intentionally disinforms or hides a part of the information to deceive a person and get their consent, such consent will also be invalid.

The components of consent forms may vary depending on their types. However, every consent form should include the following information:

  1. Consenter’s contact information, such as name, address, and phone number.
  2. A detailed description of the event, activity, or treatment to take place.
  3. A statement that the consenter understands the nature, purpose, and potential risks of further actions and will hold harmless the releasee in any case.
  4. Date of signing.
  5. Consenter’s and releasee’s signatures, either handwritten or electronic.

Receiving a person’s consent is a complex process. You should prepare a detailed document and ensure that the person clearly understands forthcoming services or procedures. You can choose from our free consent form templates if you need to obtain consent to a specific event or activity. Working with our form template requires the following steps:

Step 1. Identify the parties

The first step of filling out the consent form template is identifying the individual who agrees to specific activities or procedures. You may also need to include the releasee’s contacts depending on the consent type. You should indicate their contact information, including their address and phone numbers.

Step 2. Define the purpose

The nature and purpose of the forthcoming event must be clearly described in the document. The consenter needs to know all the information and get the necessary instructions and details related to the events or services.

Step 3. Indicate the governing law

It’s crucial to mention the governing law since it may influence the legal age of consent. You are recommended to consult your local requirements to clearly understand when minors need authorization from a parent or guardian.

Step 4. Sign the form

The last step is to review and sign the consent form adding the date of signatures—both the consenter and releasee sign such forms. The parties are allowed to use electronic signatures to record the consent.

Published: Jun 8, 2022